Factors to Consider when Choosing the Right Landscape Tree Supplier

Posted on: 28 January 2019

Taking good care of your trees will not only prolong the plants' life, but it will also make your landscape look impeccable for many years. Therefore, if the leaves are turning pale and the trunks don't look healthy, it might be time to hire the services of a tree professional. However, how do you establish that you are utilising the services of the right landscape tree service provider? It can be difficult, especially if you know little about trees.
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Puzzled over Peeling Bark? Why Trees Shed Their Bark

Posted on: 23 October 2018

If one or more of your trees appears to be losing its bark, don't automatically assume that this means it is dying. Your tree may simply be undergoing a natural process, one that is crucial to the tree's continued growth. Growing Trees Shed Their Bark Trees grow from the inside as well as from the outside. A crucial part of this growing process is the shedding of bark. As trees grow, their trunks and limbs thicken, and as a result, the old layer of bark is replaced with a new layer.
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Two reasons why you might want to have the palm tree on your property cut down

Posted on: 23 May 2018

If you have a palm tree on your property, it might be a good idea to have it cut down by a palm tree removalist. Read on to find out why. The fruit it bears could damage your property or injure you If your palm tree produces coconuts, it is definitely worth having it removed. The reason for this is as follows; when a coconut on the branch of a palm tree becomes fully ripened, it will usually fall to the ground.
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Limbing up an Evergreen: Could I Remove the Lower Branches of My Evergreen Tree?

Posted on: 26 December 2017

Conifers such as the Norway spruce and the eastern white pine are worthy additions to any yard. When planted strategically, they offer a home privacy and shade. They also make great noise barriers. However, when mature, some conifer species take up substantial space. For example, a mature white spruce could have a width of approximately 3-6 metres. Wide Conifers Take up Space The problem with conifers that grow to at least several metres wide is that they require a lot of space.
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